Detroit Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025 | DPCSD Holidays

This page contains the major holiday dates and a calendar preview for Detroit Public Schools in Michigan. If you are a part of this school district then make sure to check out the school calendar on this page and download it for your use in a printable format. Both digital and printable format of a school calendar are shared here for the convenience of students. It’s time to download a school calendar and start planning for the important academic days. Nothing works better than a school calendar when it comes to planning for school days. The school board has officially approved and released the Detroit Public Schools Calendar for this academic year and made it available on the school’s official website.

As per Wiki: Detroit Public Schools Community District is largest public education system Michigan. The mission of the school system is to educate and empower every student by providing them quality instructions in a secure learning environment.

Detroit Public Schools Holiday Breaks 2024-2025

If you are interested to know the dates of Detroit Public Schools Holiday Breaks then check out the table below. Students are most interested to know when is the next holiday or when is the upcoming major holiday break. The dates of thanksgiving break, Christmas break, spring break, etc are shared below along with the dates of first and last day of school. Keep a check on the upcoming holidays and plan them well to make the most out of them.

2024-2025 School Calendar

  Event  Dates
  First Day of School  26 Aug 2024
  Thanksgiving Break  27 Nov 2024 to 29 Nov 2024
  Christmas Break  23 Dec 2024 to 3 Jan 2025
  Mid-Winter Break  17 Feb 2025 to 21 Feb 2025
  Spring Break  24 Mar 2025 to 28 Mar 2025
  Last Day of School  10 Jun 2025

Detroit Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025

In this section, you can check out the preview of Detroit Public Schools Calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year. The link of the official calendar page is shared in a table below from where you can download and print the school calendar. The entire academic schedule is written in a school calendar, make sure to have a copy of school calendar to plan out the entire school year and make the most out of it.

Detroit Public Schools Calendar

Download Links:

Important LinkDownload Link
School Calendar 2024-2025Download
School Calendar 2023-2024Download
School’s WebsiteClick Here

Students must learn the skill of time management and learn how to use a school calendar well. Accomplishment of academic work goals becomes a lot easier once you have everything planned out. Be an organzied student who is well aware of academic dates and know how to plan them well.

Important Note: is not the official website of any school, this is just an informational website that provides information related to school calendars and holidays. Do check your school’s official website for an up-to-date and updated school calendar.

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