Effingham County Schools Calendar 2024-2025 in PDF

This page contains the major holiday dates and a calendar preview for Effingham County Schools in Effingham County, Georgia, United States. If you are a part of this school system then please note that the school board has officially approved and released the school calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year. Download a school calendar from this page and start planning for the important school days. The basic use of a school calendar is to keep a check on the dates of major academic events and holidays. Nothing works better than an academic calendar when it comes to planning for school days. Make the most out of this academic year by using a school or academic calendar.

As per Wiki: The Effingham County School District is a public school district in Effingham County, Georgia, United States, based in Springfield. It serves the communities of Guyton, Rincon, and Springfield.

Effingham County Schools Holiday Breaks 2024-2025

A school calendar is a combination of instructional and holiday dates. There are many holiday dates in a school year which are provided so students have a relax or rest days. The dates of some of the major holiday breaks such as thanksgiving break, Christmas break, spring break, etc are specified in a table below. Keep a check on the upcoming major holiday breaks and plan them well to make the most of these holiday dates.

2024-2025 School Calendar

  Event  Dates
  First Day of School  12 Aug 2024
  Fall Break  10 Oct 2024 to 14 Oct 2024
  Thanksgiving Break  25 Nov 2024 to 29 Nov 2024
  Christmas Break  23 Dec 2024 to 6 Jan 2025
  Mid-Winter Break  14 Feb 2025 to 18 Feb 2025
  Spring Break  14 Apr 2025 to 18 Apr 2025
  Last Day of School  23 May 2025

Note: There could be discrepancies or typo mistakes while writing dates, please refer to the printable school calendar in the next section to download full school calendar.

Effingham County Schools Calendar 2024-2025

Check out the preview of Effingham County Schools Calendar below for the 2024-2025 academic year. A school calendar contains the official academic schedule for the entire school year. All students are advised to keep a check on their school calendar and download it. The printable version of a school calendar is shared right below, the link of the official calendar page is shared in a table below from where you can download the school calendar in a pdf format.

Effingham County Schools Calendar

Download Links:

Important LinkDownload Link
School Calendar 2024-2025Download
School Calendar 2023-2024Download
School’s WebsiteClick Here

Every student must understand the value of a school calendar and use it for the management of time and academic work activities. Be an organized student who is well aware of what’s happening in school and what are the upcoming academic events.

Important Note: schoolcalendarinfo.com is not the official website of any school, this is just an informational website that provides information related to school calendars and holidays. Do check your school’s official website for an up-to-date and updated school calendar.

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