Lexington Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025 in PDF

This page contains the major holiday dates and a calendar preview of the Lexington Public Schools Calendar for the academic session 2024-2025. The school board releases the school calendar every academic year in order to update the students, teachers, and parents about the dates of the academic events and holidays. The entire academic schedule is mentioned in a school calendar and this schedule is followed through the school year. As a student or teacher you must keep a check on the academic schedule and plan your daily work activities accordingly. Download and print your academic calendar from here.

As per Wiki: Lexington Public Schools is a public school district in Lexington, Massachusetts, United States. The district comprises six elementary schools, two middle schools, and a high school.

Lexington Public Schools Major Holiday Breaks 2024-2025

Holidays are an important part of student and teacher life because rest or a break from academics is essential in order to re-energize. The most popular holiday breaks are thanksgiving, Winter break, spring break, etc. Below you can see the dates of all major holiday breaks of the Lexington Public Schools for the school year 2024-2025.

  Event  Dates
  First Day of School  27 Aug 2024
  Thanksgiving Break  28 Nov 2024 to 29 Nov 2024
  Christmas Break  23 Dec 2024 to 1 Jan 2025
  Mid-Winter Break  17 Feb 2025 to 21 Feb 2025
  Spring Break  21 Apr 2025 to 25 Apr 2025
  Last Day of School  18 Jun 2025

Lexington Public Schools Calendar 2024-2025

The preview of the Lexington Public Schools Calendar is shared below for the school year 2024-2025. Please note that the complete academic dates are mentioned in it, therefore, make sure to download a school calendar and take a print-out for your use. The link of the school official website and official calendar link is shared in a table below from where you can download and print this school calendar.

Lexington Public Schools Calendar

Download Links:

Important LinkDownload Link
School Calendar 2024-2025Download
School Calendar 2023-2024Download
School’s WebsiteClick Here

About Lexington Public Schools

Lexington Public Schools is providing high quality education that fosters academic growth and character development, and prepares students for success in their future endeavors. The school system has designed academic curriculum in say a way that allow students to do critical thinking, work on their problem solving skills, and learn things that are valuable in college, career, and life ahead.

We advise students to keep a check on the official website of their school district because all the latest notifications or updates will be available there.

Q. How long is the Christmas Break in Lexington Public Schools?

A. The dates of the Christmas Break are Dec 23, 2024 to Jan 1, 2025

Q. How long is the Spring Break in Lexington Public Schools?

A. The dates of the spring break are Apr 21, 2025 to Apr 25, 2025

Q. What is the first and last day of Lexington Public Schools for year 2024-2025?

A. The first day of school is Aug 27, 2024 and the last day of school is Jun 18, 2025

Important Note: schoolcalendarinfo.com is not the official website of any school, this is just an informational website that provides information related to school calendars and holidays. Do check your school’s official website for an up-to-date and updated school calendar.

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